Letter: Thank You for Making the Amazigh New Year Event in Boston a Success

Amazigh New Year

On behalf of the Amazigh Cultural Network in America and the Kabyle community of New England, Sponsors and of the entire organizing team we would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for your participation in the Amazigh new year celebration in Boston, Massachusetts, We were deeply honored by your presence at this memorable occasion and we profoundly thank you for having found time to be present with us.  The event on Saturday 13th has been a huge success and we really hope you had a wonderful time.

We would like also to take this opportunity to thank all the bands and individual artists; the amazing Kameldeniro Benjacob, Said Achinwi Achibane, Inkraf band led by Karim Bakchich, Izanzaren Tribute band with Izm Iffous, Alhyane Hucine and the multi talented Mustapha Akhoullou, Tarwa n Udrar band with Ismail El Mhamedi & Win Udrar, Rafik Aqvayli’s band, as well the sound system technician Boujemaa Razgui,

Thank you to all the volunteers and all the local Media and individual journalist for covering the day of the event such as Elghorba Show and Afrikananews .

We would like also to thank the following sponsors for their continuing support & commitment:

Elma & sana, owned by Sana Abidar & Elma Achtam
Advise Realty by Mohamed Ziani
Moroccan Caravan and its owner Addi Ouadderrou
Casablanca house of pastries and its owner Nabil

Once again Tanmmerth/Thank you and we wish all of you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Amazigh New Year .


Amazigh Cultural Network in America

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