Amazigh-Americans Protesting in New York to Support Rif and Tamazgha


NEW YORK, May 26th, 2017 | Members of the support committee of Rif movement in US and Amazigh Movement community gathered Friday in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York to show support the ongoing protests in Rif regions in particular as well as entire Tamazgha where the Amazigh people of North Africa have been facing a long history of marginalization and discrimination by the North African regimes.
Shortly after the protest ended, the Amazigh activist members released the following statement;[ads1]

[toggle title=”CONDEMNATION STATEMENT BY THE SUPPORT COMMITTEE OF THE RIF MOVEMENT IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REGARDING THE CONTINUED REPRESSION IN RIF AND TAMAZGHA.” state=”open”]The Support Committee of Rif Movement in U.S.A which was recently formed in response to the recent tragic events Rif region is deeply concerned about recent actions taken by the Moroccan government in Al Hoceima and Rif region against peaceful protesters. It is for this purpose that we affirm the following:

-We affirm our longstanding support for the mission of the committee of people’s movement in Rif -We stand behind our Rif people’s right to democracy, to demonstrate peacefully and to freedom. The regime has to listen to the protesters, take them seriously and end brutal repression.

-We renew the call for a full-scale investigation into Mouhcine Fikri’s death and justice for all martyrs of the Amazigh cause, We demand, therefore, the punishment of all responsible for the killings of innocent citizens who receive minor to no punishment.

-We urge the Moroccan state to respond quickly and immediately to the legitimate demands of the committee of people’s movement in Rif. In the short term we urge the Moroccan Government to lift the heavy militarisation in the province of Al Hoceima, Nador and surrounding areas

At the same time, we would like to express our strong condemnation to the Moroccan government for: – The arbitrary arrest and disappearance of member of the people’s movement in Rif.

-Using military siege and other force as a strategy to bully, intimidate and tackle the protesters from freely moving across across the Rif region.

-We condemn the use of violence against peaceful demonstrators, and we urge Moroccan government to live up to it’s international obligation, including those regarding human rights.

-We condemn the Moroccan government for using ‘Thugs’ against Rifain peaceful protesters and we denounce their passive response toward the the burning of Amazigh flag which is a reckless act that undermines the respect of people’s feeling and encourage to more severely actions.

As a result of all of that and in order to provide the necessary and adequate protection for the peaceful protesters, and with the approval of the movement’s leaders In Morocoo , we affirm that will we issue an open Letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the US Congress as well as other international human rights advocacy organizations.

The Support Committee of Rif Movement in United States of America and the Amazigh Movement in US New York May, 26th, 2017[/toggle]



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Amazigh world news is an Amazigh news and commentary website dedicated to providing News Stories, Articles & Information for & about Indigenous Amazigh People of North Africa.


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