Tunisian Amazigh Activist Maha Jouini Appointed Representative of AIDL for the MENA Region


Maha Jouini
Paris  (AWN) |
Tunisian Amazigh Activist Maha Jouini has been appointed representative of International Alliance for the defending of Rights and Freedom “AIDL” in the Middle East and North Africa Regions (MENA), According to a statement released by the AIDL’s office.

International Alliance for the defending of Rights and Freedom or AIDL is a French non-governmental organization devoted to defending human rights and public freedoms of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Maha Jouini is a prominent Tunisian journalist and Amazigh activist for the rights of indigenous people in North Africa with a special focus on the Amazigh issue situation in Tunisia.


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